PolyU Green Marketplace Sharing: 15 Tips for Green Living in PolyU
You don’t have to quit using shampoo or go totally vegan to make your lifestyle more sustainable. There are tons of tiny ways you can minimize your resource footprint, and simplify your life. Here are some easy green living tips that will help save resources, and might even save you time and money! View More on https://polyugreen.wordpress.com/ 1. Check your settings You may already be using a laptop or tablet for convenience—these electronics use less energy and require fewer resources to manufacture than desktops. Whatever you use, make sure to activate the device’s energy-saver settings. You’ll prolong the life of the battery, as well as save energy when plugged in. And try not to fall asleep in front of streaming video: that bright screen isn’t just sucking up electricity, it’s messing up your sleep cycle! 2. Unplug Your chargers and small appliances (like a coffee maker) suck up standby power even when not in use. To cut down on wasted electricity (and wasted dollars,